Showing 10–18 of 1069 results

  • Bacharach 3015-4280


    Bacharachs Single-Zone delivers the best refrigerant leak detection available, with industry-leading MDL of 1ppm for halogenated gases, the fastest sampling frequency and the widest range of refrigerants accurately detected. The Single-Zone is the ideal tool for early detection of leaks from specific target areas such as chiller rooms and mechanical rooms. The low MDL enables detection of leaks that other instruments cant find, enhances effective refrigerant management and delivers cost savings through reduced refrigerant recharge and enhanced energy efficiency. A variety of communication interfaces are available, including Modbus, BACnet and LonWorks, allowing easy integration into MBS/BAS systems and remote monitoring solutions. Detects leaks that other instruments cant 1ppm Minimum Detectable Level for refrigerants – the lowest MDL in the industry High-performance detection of halogenated refrigerants, CO2 and NH3 Identify leaks early to mitigate refrigerant loss, enhance energy efficiency Ideal solution for chiller room and machinery room monitoring Over 50 different refrigerants accurately detected Proprietary infrared (NDIR) sensor technology delivers precision and stability No calibration required, minimal maintenance

  • Bacharach 3015-4282


    Einführung und Hauptmerkmale des Bacharach 3015-4200 Das Bacharach 3015-4200 ist ein hochmodernes Gasdetektions- und Analysegerät, das für seine Präzision und Zuverlässigkeit bekannt ist. Entwickelt für den Einsatz in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen, bietet es eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die es zu einer unverzichtbaren Wahl für Fachleute in der Industrie machen. Dieses Gerät ist darauf ausgelegt, eine Vielzahl von Gasen mit hoher Genauigkeit zu messen, was es ideal für Anwendungen wie die Überwachung von Emissionen, die Kontrolle von Gaslecks und die industrielle Sicherheitsüberwachung macht. Ein herausragendes Merkmal des Bacharach 3015-4200 ist seine Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Das intuitive Benutzerinterface ermöglicht eine einfache Bedienung, selbst für Nutzer mit begrenzter technischer Erfahrung. Dies wird durch ein klar strukturiertes Menü und eine benutzerfreundliche Displayanzeige unterstützt, die alle notwendigen Informationen auf einen Blick bereitstellt. Darüber hinaus ist das Gerät robust konstruiert und widerstandsfähig gegen widrige Umgebungsbedingungen, was seine Einsatzfähigkeit in industriellen Umgebungen weiter erhöht. Ein weiteres wichtiges Merkmal des Bacharach 3015-4200 ist seine lange Batterielebensdauer, die den kontinuierlichen Betrieb über längere Zeiträume hinweg ermöglicht. Dies ist besonders wichtig in Situationen, in denen eine unterbrechungsfreie Überwachung erforderlich ist. Das Gerät ist zudem mit verschiedenen Gasarten kompatibel, was seine Vielseitigkeit und Anwendbarkeit in unterschiedlichen Branchen und Szenarien erhöht. Zudem bietet das Bacharach 3015-4200 umfangreiche Möglichkeiten zur Datenaufzeichnung und -analyse. Nutzer können aufgezeichnete Daten einfach speichern, abrufen und analysieren, was die Nachverfolgung und Dokumentation von Gaswerten erheblich vereinfacht. Diese Funktion ist besonders nützlich für die Erstellung von Berichten und die Einhaltung von Vorschriften und Standards. Zusammengefasst machen diese Hauptmerkmale das Bacharach 3015-4200 zu einem leistungsstarken und zuverlässigen Werkzeug für die Gasdetektion und -analyse. Der Bacharach 3015-4200 findet eine breite Anwendung in verschiedenen industriellen Bereichen, darunter Chemieanlagen, Öl- und Gasraffinerien sowie Heizungs- und Lüftungssysteme. In diesen Umgebungen ist die Früherkennung von gefährlichen Gaslecks entscheidend, um die Sicherheit der Arbeitskräfte zu gewährleisten und die Betriebseffizienz zu maximieren. Der Bacharach 3015-4200 spielt hierbei eine zentrale Rolle, indem er präzise Messdaten liefert und dabei hilft, potenzielle Gefahren frühzeitig zu erkennen. In Chemieanlagen, wo mit hochreaktiven und oft gefährlichen Substanzen gearbeitet wird, ist der Einsatz eines zuverlässigen Gasdetektors unerlässlich. Der Bacharach 3015-4200 trägt dazu bei, die Arbeitssicherheit zu erhöhen, indem er die Umgebung kontinuierlich überwacht und sofort Alarm schlägt, wenn gefährliche Gaskonzentrationen erkannt werden. Ähnliche Vorteile bietet das Gerät in Öl- und Gasraffinerien, wo es oft zu Leckagen kommen kann, die katastrophale Folgen haben könnten. Hier sorgt der Bacharach 3015-4200 dafür, dass solche Lecks schnell identifiziert und behoben werden können, wodurch das Risiko von Unfällen und Betriebsausfällen minimiert wird. Auch in Heizungs- und Lüftungssystemen spielt der Bacharach 3015-4200 eine wichtige Rolle. Er hilft dabei, die Funktionalität der Systeme zu überwachen und sicherzustellen, dass keine gefährlichen Gase in die Umgebung gelangen. Dies ist besonders wichtig in geschlossenen Räumen, wo eine Ansammlung von giftigen Gasen schwerwiegende gesundheitliche Folgen haben kann. Die Vorteile des Bacharach 3015-4200 sind vielfältig. Neben der erhöhten Arbeitssicherheit und der Reduzierung von Betriebsausfällen unterstützt das Gerät auch bei der Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften. Viele Branchenexperten und Benutzer haben das Gerät als äußerst zuverlässig und leistungsfähig bewertet. Die präzisen Messdaten und die schnelle Reaktionszeit des Bacharach 3015-4200 werden dabei besonders hervorgehoben. Diese Eigenschaften tragen dazu bei, dass der Bacharach 3015-4200 als unverzichtbares Instrument in der industriellen Gasüberwachung angesehen wird.

  • Sale!

    Bacharach 3015-4290

    Original price was: $1.863.Current price is: $1.477.

    Introduction to the Bacharach 3015-4280 The Bacharach 3015-4280 is a versatile and reliable instrument designed for gas leak detection and analysis, playing a critical role in various industries where safety and efficiency are paramount. This sophisticated device is renowned for its high sensitivity, user-friendly operation, and robust construction, making it a preferred choice among professionals. Primarily, the Bacharach 3015-4280 serves to identify and quantify gas leaks, which is essential for maintaining a safe working environment and ensuring operational efficiency. Accurate gas detection is crucial in preventing potential hazards such as explosions, fires, and health risks associated with toxic gas exposure. The precision and reliability of the Bacharach 3015-4280 significantly contribute to mitigating these risks, thereby safeguarding both personnel and property. One of the standout features of the Bacharach 3015-4280 is its exceptional sensitivity, allowing it to detect even the smallest gas leaks with high accuracy. This sensitivity is particularly valuable in industries such as oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, and HVAC, where undetected leaks can lead to significant safety concerns and financial losses. Additionally, the device’s ease of use ensures that it can be operated effectively by personnel with varying levels of technical expertise, reducing the likelihood of user error. The durability of the Bacharach 3015-4280 is another key factor in its widespread adoption. Constructed to withstand harsh industrial environments, this instrument offers reliable performance over extended periods, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs. Its robust design ensures that it remains operational even in challenging conditions, providing consistent and dependable gas detection. In summary, the Bacharach 3015-4280 is a critical tool in the arsenal of professionals tasked with ensuring safety and efficiency in gas-related industries. Its combination of sensitivity, ease of use, and durability makes it an invaluable asset for accurate gas leak detection and analysis, reinforcing its importance in maintaining safe and efficient operations. Using the Bacharach 3015-4280: Best Practices and Maintenance Operating the Bacharach 3015-4280 effectively begins with a thorough understanding of its setup. Start by ensuring the device is placed in a stable, vibration-free environment. Connect the power supply and switch on the instrument. The initial setup involves configuring the device settings according to the specific requirements of your application. Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on setting parameters such as measurement range and units. Calibration is a crucial step in ensuring accurate readings from the Bacharach 3015-4280. It is recommended to perform a calibration check before each use. This involves using calibration gas to verify the device’s accuracy. Follow the calibration procedure outlined in the manual, which typically includes connecting the calibration gas to the instrument, initiating the calibration mode, and adjusting the device as necessary. Regular calibration checks help maintain the precision of your measurements. Interpreting results from the Bacharach 3015-4280 requires familiarity with the display and data output features. The device provides real-time readings, which can be viewed on its digital display. Additionally, data can be logged and transferred to a computer for further analysis. Understanding the various output formats and how to interpret them is essential for making informed decisions based on the data collected. Maintaining the Bacharach 3015-4280 involves several key practices. Regular cleaning of the device, especially the sensors and external surfaces, helps prevent dust and contaminants from affecting performance. Use a soft, dry cloth for cleaning, and avoid harsh chemicals. A maintenance schedule should include periodic calibration checks, software updates, and inspection of all connections and components. Keeping the firmware up-to-date ensures that the device operates with the latest enhancements and bug fixes. Troubleshooting common issues with the Bacharach 3015-4280 can often be done by referring to the troubleshooting section of the user manual. Common problems like erratic readings or power issues may be resolved by checking the connections, ensuring proper calibration, and verifying that the device is operating within its specified environmental conditions. For persistent issues, contacting customer support or a professional technician may be necessary. By following these best practices and maintaining a regular maintenance routine, users can ensure that the Bacharach 3015-4280 remains a reliable and accurate tool in their operations, providing valuable data for various applications.

  • Bacharach 3015-5043


    Proprietary infrared sensing technology virtually eliminates false alarms and extends sensor life No calibration required Low detection limits enable leaks to be found early, reducing energy and refrigerant consumption Fastest sampling rate with the longest sampling distance in the industry at 1,200 feet Large Graphic LCD for easy set-up and real-time monitoring

  • Bacharach 3015-5330


    Bacharachs Multi-Zone delivers the best refrigerant leak detection available, with industry-leading MDL of 1ppm for halogenated gases, the fastest sampling frequency and the widest range of refrigerants accurately detected. The large graphic LCD display and LED status indicators provide a system-wide overview at a glance. The Multi-Zone enhances effective refrigerant management, detecting leaks early to enable cost savings by reducing refrigerant recharge, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing risk of refrigeration failure and produce loss. A variety of communication interfaces are available including Modbus, BACnet and LonWorks, allowing easy integration into BMS/BAS systems and remote monitoring solutions. Detects leaks that other instruments cant 1ppm Minimum Detectable Level for refrigerants – the lowest MDL in the industry High-performance detection of halogenated refrigerants, CO2 and NH3 Identify leaks early to mitigate refrigerant loss, protect produce, enhance energy efficiency Ideal solution for grocery store refrigerant monitoring Over 50 different refrigerants accurately detected Monitors up to 16 remote areas, expandable to 48 monitoring points Proprietary infrared (NDIR) sensor technology delivers precision and stability Industry-leading sampling times with high performance pump Long sampling distances (up to 1,200 ft / 365 m) No calibration required, minimal maintenance

  • Bacharach 3015-5331


    Bacharachs Multi-Zone delivers the best refrigerant leak detection available, with industry-leading MDL of 1ppm for halogenated gases, the fastest sampling frequency and the widest range of refrigerants accurately detected. The large graphic LCD display and LED status indicators provide a system-wide overview at a glance. The Multi-Zone enhances effective refrigerant management, detecting leaks early to enable cost savings by reducing refrigerant recharge, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing risk of refrigeration failure and produce loss. A variety of communication interfaces are available including Modbus, BACnet and LonWorks, allowing easy integration into BMS/BAS systems and remote monitoring solutions. Detects leaks that other instruments cant 1ppm Minimum Detectable Level for refrigerants – the lowest MDL in the industry High-performance detection of halogenated refrigerants, CO2 and NH3 Identify leaks early to mitigate refrigerant loss, protect produce, enhance energy efficiency Ideal solution for grocery store refrigerant monitoring Over 50 different refrigerants accurately detected Monitors up to 16 remote areas, expandable to 48 monitoring points Proprietary infrared (NDIR) sensor technology delivers precision and stability Industry-leading sampling times with high performance pump Long sampling distances (up to 1,200 ft / 365 m) No calibration required, minimal maintenance

  • Sale!

    Bacharach 3015-5332

    Original price was: $4.403.Current price is: $4.200.

    Bacharachs Multi-Zone delivers the best refrigerant leak detection available, with industry-leading MDL of 1ppm for halogenated gases, the fastest sampling frequency and the widest range of refrigerants accurately detected. The large graphic LCD display and LED status indicators provide a system-wide overview at a glance. The Multi-Zone enhances effective refrigerant management, detecting leaks early to enable cost savings by reducing refrigerant recharge, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing risk of refrigeration failure and produce loss. A variety of communication interfaces are available including Modbus, BACnet and LonWorks, allowing easy integration into BMS/BAS systems and remote monitoring solutions. Detects leaks that other instruments cant 1ppm Minimum Detectable Level for refrigerants – the lowest MDL in the industry High-performance detection of halogenated refrigerants, CO2 and NH3 Identify leaks early to mitigate refrigerant loss, protect produce, enhance energy efficiency Ideal solution for grocery store refrigerant monitoring Over 50 different refrigerants accurately detected Monitors up to 16 remote areas, expandable to 48 monitoring points Proprietary infrared (NDIR) sensor technology delivers precision and stability Industry-leading sampling times with high performance pump Long sampling distances (up to 1,200 ft / 365 m) No calibration required, minimal maintenance

  • Bacharach 3015-5333


    Bacharachs Multi-Zone delivers the best refrigerant leak detection available, with industry-leading MDL of 1ppm for halogenated gases, the fastest sampling frequency and the widest range of refrigerants accurately detected. The large graphic LCD display and LED status indicators provide a system-wide overview at a glance. The Multi-Zone enhances effective refrigerant management, detecting leaks early to enable cost savings by reducing refrigerant recharge, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing risk of refrigeration failure and produce loss. A variety of communication interfaces are available including Modbus, BACnet and LonWorks, allowing easy integration into BMS/BAS systems and remote monitoring solutions. Detects leaks that other instruments cant 1ppm Minimum Detectable Level for refrigerants – the lowest MDL in the industry High-performance detection of halogenated refrigerants, CO2 and NH3 Identify leaks early to mitigate refrigerant loss, protect produce, enhance energy efficiency Ideal solution for grocery store refrigerant monitoring Over 50 different refrigerants accurately detected Monitors up to 16 remote areas, expandable to 48 monitoring points Proprietary infrared (NDIR) sensor technology delivers precision and stability Industry-leading sampling times with high performance pump Long sampling distances (up to 1,200 ft / 365 m) No calibration required, minimal maintenance

  • BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW


    The BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW is a state-of-the-art gas detection device designed for use in a variety of industrial and environmental settings. This advanced detector is engineered to provide precise and reliable monitoring of hazardous gases, ensuring the safety and well-being of personnel in potentially dangerous environments. At the core of the BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW is its robust sensor technology. The device is equipped with high-performance sensors capable of detecting multiple gases simultaneously. These sensors are known for their exceptional sensitivity and accuracy, which are critical in identifying even trace amounts of harmful substances. The integration of these sensors ensures that the device delivers consistent and reliable readings, minimizing the risk of false alarms. The design and build quality of the BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW further enhance its reliability and durability. Constructed from high-quality materials, the device is built to withstand harsh industrial conditions. Its rugged exterior is resistant to impacts, dust, and water, making it suitable for use in a wide range of environments. The compact and ergonomic design allows for easy handling and portability, ensuring that users can operate the device comfortably even in confined spaces. In addition to its robust construction and advanced sensor technology, the BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW boasts a user-friendly interface. The device features a clear and intuitive display that provides real-time readings and alerts. The interface is designed to be straightforward, allowing users to quickly interpret the data and respond to potential hazards. Notable features such as audible and visual alarms, data logging capabilities, and customizable settings further enhance the usability of the device. The BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW stands out in the market due to its combination of cutting-edge technology, durable construction, and ease of use. Its comprehensive suite of features makes it an invaluable tool for professionals in industries where gas detection is critical, ensuring that they can maintain a safe and compliant working environment. Applications and Benefits of Using BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW The BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW has proven to be an invaluable tool across a variety of industries, each benefiting uniquely from its features and capabilities. In the oil and gas sector, this device is essential for monitoring hazardous gases, ensuring worker safety, and maintaining compliance with stringent industry regulations. The ability to detect multiple gases simultaneously makes it a critical asset for preventing accidents and maintaining operational efficiency in environments where explosive gases are a constant risk. In the mining industry, the BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW plays a crucial role in detecting toxic gases like methane and carbon monoxide, which are prevalent in underground operations. By providing real-time data, the device enables miners to take immediate action to mitigate risks, thereby enhancing safety and productivity. Furthermore, its robust design ensures durability and reliability in harsh mining conditions. The manufacturing sector also utilizes this advanced gas detection technology to monitor and control air quality within production facilities. This is particularly important in industries dealing with chemicals and other hazardous materials. The BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW helps in maintaining a safe working environment, thereby reducing the risk of occupational hazards and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. Environmental monitoring is another critical application of the BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW. It is used to track pollution levels, detect leaks, and monitor air quality in various settings, from industrial sites to urban areas. This capability is essential for environmental agencies and organizations committed to sustainability and public health. Case studies illustrate the practical uses and effectiveness of this device. For instance, in a real-world scenario within an oil refinery, the BW Technologies 54-53-A00005052NW successfully detected a gas leak that could have led to a major accident, demonstrating its reliability and importance in preventing industrial disasters. Despite its numerous benefits, users may encounter challenges such as the need for regular calibration and maintenance to ensure accuracy. However, these can be managed with proper training and adherence to manufacturer guidelines. Customer reviews and testimonials often highlight the device’s ease of use, dependability, and the peace of mind it provides, reinforcing its reputation as a trusted solution in gas detection technology.